Idol Time Productions
Idol Time Productions's Channel
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Idol Time Productions
Idol Time Productions
Idol Time Productions would like to welcome you to the world of Idols!!

We are a MEP group who edits with idol anime!! Also things like idols from non idol specific shows, shows centered around music and dance scenes.

Thanks for stopping by feel free to drop a message if you have any questions!!

Leaders & Co-Leaders
ChibiBerry (Leader//Mirei) ♥
xtonina1981 (Co-Leader//Aoi) ♥
xNico•Chiix (Co-Leader//Nico) ♥
Farye (Co-Leader//Chisato) ♥

Q: When's Your Anniversary?
A: July 10th :3

Q: Next Audition?
A: sometime in 2021 as we just closed our auditions now!!

Q: Can we be be demoted/kicked our of the studio if were inactive?
A: OFC :'D If we don't see u active at all it will result in demotion or getting kicked out. If your on hiatus talk to the leaders, and we won't kick u out u will be put in hiatus mode x3

That's all~~~
Hope U Enjoy Our Lovely Projects
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