Cilly Cubing (Retired)
Cilly Cubing (Retired)'s Channel
Cilly Cubing (Retired) has no videos available.
Cilly Cubing (Retired)
Cilly Cubing (Retired)
Don't know why you're here but I'll talk about myself

Gender: Male

Birthday: December 23rd 2010

Real name: Cillián


Favourite colour: 🟢

Favourite animal: Cats

Have a lover?: No

Have an ex?: Yes (She will be anonymous) we didn't break up, we just drifted apart.

Have a pet?: Yes (2 cats) Tinkerbell and Zula

Favourite song: N/A

Best friend: No one, I like all my friends equally

Gender of friends: Mixed

Number of friends: about 20

Number of siblings: 2. 1 brother, 1 sister.

Any conditions?: Autism and Dyspraxia

Favourite food: Spaghetti Bolognese

Favourite Drink: Coke or Pepsi, they taste the same

Languages I speak: English and some Irish

Favourite movie: Super Mario Bros movie

Why I'm not uploading: I couldn't access my channel due to getting a new tablet, but I still have my channel on by phone but can't upload due to there being no screen recorder. It's been so long that I lost the desire and quit YouTube.
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