Hi all, and welcome to GAME GAMBLER!
This channel is all about Sonic the Hedgehog, and its amazing fan base. I like covering things about the games, fan projects, fan work or just stupid stuff. The plan is to create videos that id personally watch, and just have fun doing it. I hope you all enjoy your time here, and sit back, relax and enjoy the videos!
(If the channel name rings a bell, that would be because this is a 'reboot' of sorts to the old one (names THE GAME GAMBLER, which is now called GAMULOUS). If you want to know what happened, please go and read the about section on the GAMULOUS channel).
PSST... You could also subscribe and click the bell if you want. I'm not pushing you to, but it would help me out a lot.
This channel is all about Sonic the Hedgehog, and its amazing fan base. I like covering things about the games, fan projects, fan work or just stupid stuff. The plan is to create videos that id personally watch, and just have fun doing it. I hope you all enjoy your time here, and sit back, relax and enjoy the videos!
(If the channel name rings a bell, that would be because this is a 'reboot' of sorts to the old one (names THE GAME GAMBLER, which is now called GAMULOUS). If you want to know what happened, please go and read the about section on the GAMULOUS channel).
PSST... You could also subscribe and click the bell if you want. I'm not pushing you to, but it would help me out a lot.
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