Sonic Sledgehammer Studio
Sonic Sledgehammer Studio's Channel
Sonic Sledgehammer Studio has no videos available.
Sonic Sledgehammer Studio
Sonic Sledgehammer Studio
Simple, effective and fast painting tips and tricks for getting miniatures ready for battle in no time at all! How I Paint Things is a series of simple instructional videos designed to help the newcomer through some of the basics and demonstrate how the very simplest techniques can still give you some great results that're easily replicated. Aimed at the beginner to painting, there might be one or two tips or tricks that help even you old hands!

Questions, comments or requests for future videos? Hit me up on Facebook or Twitter!
For business inquiries, contact me on Facebook or Twitter! My email was getting far too many weird or irrelevant requests.

If you like what I'm doing and want to chip in, why not visit the tip jar? None of this will ever be behind a pay wall, but every little helps me stock up on paints and supplies and is greatly appreciated!
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