Neon The Electric Charka Saiyan
Neon The Electric Charka Saiyan 's Channel
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Neon The Electric Charka Saiyan
Neon The Electric Charka Saiyan

Hey My Fellow Warriors

This is Neon Charka.
Welcome To The Charka Channel.

This Channel is not Suitable for under the age of 13.

This Channel Contains:



●Graphic Contact.


Things I Do:
°Gacha Battles/Fights.
°What ifs.

And I Also Do Charka Super Saiyans Next Generation.

Why? Because it will Take Place After Charka
Super Saiyans. Create it by Karmastersaiyan.

Subscribe. For More Amazing Content. Including The Series.

Main 4:Neon. Alexiana. Tyler. Katie.

My Goal Is:5 or 10K Subscribers.

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