Mobile Eternity Team [Closed]
"The place where mobile user editors meet"
Bahasa ver.
Mobile Eternity Team atau biasa dikenal dengan MET adalah tim berjenis MEP Group yang khusus pengguna handphone. Style MEP yang kami fokuskan adalah Raw/fx, Colorful, dan Manga Music Video.
Eng ver
Mobile Eternity Team or usually called MET is a team type MEP Group special mobile user. The MEP style of this team are Raw/fx, Colorful, and Manga Music Video.
March 10th, 2016. Indonesia
Leader: Naqi
Co-leader: Fukushi
Design MET banner by Heizen
Design member banner by Naqi
45 members
Bahasa ver.
Mobile Eternity Team atau biasa dikenal dengan MET adalah tim berjenis MEP Group yang khusus pengguna handphone. Style MEP yang kami fokuskan adalah Raw/fx, Colorful, dan Manga Music Video.
Eng ver
Mobile Eternity Team or usually called MET is a team type MEP Group special mobile user. The MEP style of this team are Raw/fx, Colorful, and Manga Music Video.
March 10th, 2016. Indonesia
Leader: Naqi
Co-leader: Fukushi
Design MET banner by Heizen
Design member banner by Naqi
45 members
Friends (22)
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