Burning in Deception
Burning in Deception's Channel
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Burning in Deception
Burning in Deception
Burning in Deception was born in 2013 from an idea of the Brazilian Vocalist and Lyricist Ruan C.Elias in collaboration with the Italian Guitar player and Producer Vincenzo Avallone.

The idea was to create an online project,a metal band with fast heavy riffs,great solos and amazing vocals.

after some years of hiatus due to changes in the bandmate's life,the band started to be active again in 2015 where they created the first songs of the to be debut Ep.

in 2016 the greek arranger and keyboard player,Georgia Damigou enters the band as orchestral composer,co-producer and keyboard player.

after her introduction,the band starts to compose more songs with the help of guest artists from Greece and Italy and,finally,in August 2016 they finish the recording process.

After 2 months of Mix and Mastering By Vincenzo Avallone at his studio Deep Water Recordings in Salerno Italy,They Release their Debut Ep Madness Arises avaible now on Bandcamp.
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