nV Sniping
Team EnVyUs Sniping Division
Check the roster link, by clicking on the "nV Sniping Roster" link below, for a complete listing of members. The roster is updated the moment someone joins or leaves. If they're not on our roster they're not a member of nV Sniping, no exceptions. It has a full listing of our leaders, snipers, editors, and GFX. We do NOT have any other divisions or affiliations with any others except TeamEnVyUs (the MLG Pro Team) & EnVyUsNA (our eSniping Team).
Check the roster link, by clicking on the "nV Sniping Roster" link below, for a complete listing of members. The roster is updated the moment someone joins or leaves. If they're not on our roster they're not a member of nV Sniping, no exceptions. It has a full listing of our leaders, snipers, editors, and GFX. We do NOT have any other divisions or affiliations with any others except TeamEnVyUs (the MLG Pro Team) & EnVyUsNA (our eSniping Team).
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