I'm just a dummy on the Internet that makes Decent Brickfilms as a hobby. I created this channel to share my love for Creating with others, as that's something I like doing, but at the same time: I want to challenge myself to see how far I can go. There are a lot of people that inspired me to start animating back in 2019, so me being here makes me feel like I'm giving back to them and saying "Thanks for inspiring me". I like pushing the Boundaries of what I can and can't do to grow as an Animator, because, well, someone I look up to once said he saw Potential in me, and I want to live up to that. When all is said and done, a more personal goal of mine is to show to more people out there who are thinking of giving up on something they're passionate about to Never Quit, no matter what. So if you have something you want to achieve, don't sit around and mope!! Make it a reality!!! If I managed to get to where I am now and still strive to get better, then so can you. NINJA--GO!!!!!
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