Haley Radiant
Haley Radiant's Channel
Haley Radiant has no videos available.
Haley Radiant
Hi everyone! Welcome to my channel!
I started fandubbing in October 2013 & have continued to do so, among other things! I am also an avid writer when I have the right inspiration for things! ^.^


~ My Discord username is haleytheradiant (Haley Radiant#0709). USE THIS INFORMATION WISELY IF WE ARE FRIENDS OR OFFERING A PAID VOICE PROJECT GIG! If not, you will be blocked EVERYWHERE.

~ Feel free to request scenes/characters in my comment sections! But note it does take me some time to post them. Also note I can deny your request if I want/need to. Please respect this boundary.

~ Birthday: October 23

~ I make videos from iMovie w/ my Mac desktop. This is a free program.

~ Please wait & see if I can collab with you, I don't collab with anyone all the time. Let me get to know you, or if you can't wait, I have a ton of dub w/ me's on my channel. So don't sweat it :)

~ I post A LOT on this channel, & usually have a schedule for posts!

~*Keep Calm and Voice On!*~
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