SPAnsw's Channel
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Exploding the myth that "growth is good"...

With over 1,000 active members, our objectives are:

(1) To contribute to public awareness of Australia's carrying limits- ecologically, socially and economically.

(2) To promote awareness that the survival of an ecologically sustainable population depends on its renewable resource base.

(3) To help promote policies that will lead initially to the stabilisation of Australia's population by encouraging near replacement fertility rates and low immigration rates.

(4) To promote urban and rural lifestyles and practices that are in harmony with the realities of the Australian environment, its resource base and its biodiversity.

(5) To advocate replacement level immigration rates at most, while rejecting any selection based on race.

(6) To help promote policies that will lead to the stabilisation, then reduction of global population.

This is the channel of our New South Wales branch.
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