reekashade's Channel
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My name is Reekashade ."In life don't allow anyone to define who you are.Feel the freedom of the wind & choose your own direction.Let your imagination be your guide,be you,make your own foot prints in the sand.Live with love-peace-harmony-joy & light in your heart & soul, for life is a blessing & you are created from infinite wisdom & perfection"...Reekashade. "Feel comfort & joy every day,let all the problems in life disappear into the ether.There are many miserable people among us, who will take up the burden of carrying them.Pack light for all we can take with us is are our souls, while all the problems in life remain behind...long after we are gone"...Reekashade" My role in society is to try & express what I feel.Not as a preacher not as a leader,but as a reflection of us all". - John Lennon.
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