brothersofbrazil's Channel
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Difícil tarefa é tentar definir o som da banda. Alguns arriscam: imagine Tom Jobim com Sex Pistols, Baden Powell e David Bowie levando um som em perfeita harmonia. Isso sem falar dos onipresentes Fab 4, já citados na canção I hate the Beatles, influência evidente nas melodias e vocais dos Brothers.

It's probably safe to say that you've never heard anything like the Brothers Of Brazil. For the past four years the brother duo of Supla and Joäo Suplicy have been making some of the most original, genre bending music around. Combining elements of Traditional Brazilian Music such as Bossa nova and Samba with Rock and Punk to create a unique sound that's won over audiences from the UK to USA as well as their home country of Brazil. They have branded this sound as PUNKANOVA.
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