ManuEla Grabsch
ManuEla Grabsch's Channel
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ManuEla Grabsch
~Music is like ...
wings at your heavy shoes~

My guitar accompanied me regularly in my younger days.
Sitting by the campfire, singing and strumming the guitar,
was very hip in those days.

But when I was a student, I stopped playing the guitar.
For 18 years my guitar had moved with me several times
only to end up on top of the wardrobe.
It´s been only some years since I got the guitar down from the wardrobe so that I might accompany my little daughters when they sang.
At very point in time I heard the music of Ulli Boegershausen for the first time.
It was the perfect moment to pursue some new aims in life.
Ulli`s music has given me the motivation and the will to start something new
and to learn some of his compositions while I still can!
For all those who have a old guitar on top of their wardrobe:
it`s never too late !!
Every moment spent with music is worthwhile.
I thank Ulli for his music.
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