Ageious's Channel
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Im a randum butt nugget that eats booty waffles with extra cheesey toppingsz and sometoims i trade emeralds with billagers in banas buildins minecrfaft lan worlds. MY nmme is adrian and i like smelly thinks likr farts anr pood proud of you dad. i like pizza cuz im in pizz bros and we save the world from fat peeple because to much pizza ios bad for ur health it make u ran unt of HP so then u would tale less damage from flies. my favrite vidio gamez r killr insticks, mincraft, assiAssSins creed, skifum, and terrarrria. i am a smarkt person cuz i know that 9 + 10 is not 21 becusase im not dumb because im smret and i go to college and i have 4 high sckool daplomas. i got tjhem sweet jays on my feeet everydays and peepo ttry to touch em but im like nuh uh bad! theyu alwasy wnatd my jays i dont knwo way and some poeop get therr fone and are ;lioke what r does!!!1 the lora in my name is spelled rong i meant put lore because in my vids teech the lore of how to do thingds thatr smart peepo do.
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