Osvaldo Pepperoni
Osvaldo Pepperoni's Channel
Osvaldo Pepperoni has no videos available.
Osvaldo Pepperoni
I'm a Cosmic Blue Man :›

Don't ask me a suggestion (im tired of that)

Birthday: The 16th November (Specials Allowed)

Covers/BETADCIUs was Inspired By: Blantados, Billy Van, Theian920924 and Akmal (he left fnf i mean akmal)

Give me Credit if you use my sprites (DO NOT STEAL ANY FUTURE STUFF)

NOTE: My Channel Can Continue If I Just pay The Wi-Fi with Money
BUT That's going to last a few months or days or whatever, If I Never had Wifi Then I will Had a Hiatus or break or idk (That's all) (sorry if this was real) also I'm gonna premiere any videos if i don't have wifi

secret playlist:
userid get finish at: 0.00 clean innertube fetch finish at: 0.10 main response parse finish at: 0.40 getAdditionalSections finish at: 0.60 applyHTML finish at: 0.60