Alex Shaw
Alex Shaw's Channel
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Alex Shaw
Hey! I'm Alex, I'm a 20 year old guitarist from Florida based in Los Angeles. I have been given so many great opportunities for a kid my age and I have so many people who I have to thank who have been there to support me and help me to get where I am. I feel really blessed to be surrounded by so many people who care about me. Sharing my music to help those in need is something that is very important to me. There is always someone out there who is struggling in some way and could use some support and it makes me feel so good to be able to help raise money for charities and help those less fortunate. I want to make a difference with my music.
I hope you like my channel and if you do, please subscribe, leave me a comment and share my videos. I appreciate the support!

I proudly endorse Samick Silvertone designed guitars!
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