Tsž̩ài Gönkjôgsät
Tsž̩ài Gönkjôgsät's Channel
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Tsž̩ài Gönkjôgsät
Tsž̩ài Gönkjôgsät
Welcome to official channel of Tsž̩ài, formally as T.K. Peter Tse.
Info about the channel owner:
- The name "Tsž̩ài" is the romanticized form of the Cantonese word "紫艾" (Artemisia argyi in purple colour, purple symbolizes creativity and wisdom)
- My birthday is on 25th January
- I came from Hong Kong
- I graduated from Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong with bachelor degree in Product design (Second hon, 1st division)
- I started art illustrating since 7 years old
- Apart from Arts, I also studied history and geography which are also some of my favorite subjects to study when I was a secondary student, that's why I sometimes uploading countries rankings according to different index related to culture, living standard and economy
- I was the winner of 2020 European Union Christmas card Competition.
- I have traveled Europe three times, the first was in 2011 in western part, then in 2013 the Eastern part, and most recently in 2017, the Mediterranean countries.

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