Whispers In Chaos
Whispers In Chaos's Channel
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Whispers In Chaos
Hello! Welcome to my ASMR channel! I have been making ASMR videos since April 2015.

Sadly for the time being, I no longer make videos as my laptop has been out of order for a year and making videos with my phone just wouldn't be the same.
Meanwhile working full time is keeping my hands more than busy, I do wish to return to making videos one day.

About my content:

Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR) is, in simple words, a pleasant physical sensation similar to goosebumps, a tingly wave on one's skin usually experienced on the scalp, back, and arms. It causes relaxation, calmness, sleepiness and euphoria.
It can be triggered by various visual and/or audio stimuli and can relieve stress and anxiety for many people.
ASMR has been a very important - and daily - part of my life, for many many years, long before I discovered the "term" for it, or the online community on Youtube.

To contact me, all you need is my e-mail: whispersinchaos@outlook.com

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