IMentali ™
IMentali ™'s Channel
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IMentali ™
Chaîne de Mentali ☆ "Couldn't Stop Me"
Feeder (sniping)
PS3 / FR:ENG /
Founder of Navy Uprising™
Proud Leader For TeamEther
Twitter: @MentaliGaming
Skype: Altherya
Page Facebook: IMentali
Instagram: xmentali
Leader and Player for TeamEther
Formers Sniping:OctusHQ[0.2k], Depth sniping[0.2k],TheReqStates[0.2k], D3 Rising[0.4k] Vect supremacy[0.5k], Maesia Revenge [1k] Creed clan [3k], Vexsniping [10k], LioN Gaming [20k], Obey Supremacy [45k], Text District[47k], TaMe clan [55k],High Global[80k], Horizon [100k], eRa Eternity [180k] Astral Authority [80k] NowYouRaGe [77k] actuallty Leader and Player for TeamEther [1,8k]
| PSN |
BO2 Feed Sniping Account: IMentali- , EtherMenta
FFA BO2: (old account) [Gamertag] Depth Deploy
Old account too: Obey_Mentali, [Gamertag]IDeploy-, ItsDvvix
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