Haakîd Lendersøn (Squidosaur Bus Hero)
Haakîd Lendersøn (Squidosaur Bus Hero)'s Channel
Haakîd Lendersøn (Squidosaur Bus Hero) has no videos available.
Haakîd Lendersøn (Squidosaur Bus Hero)
Haakîd Lendersøn (Squidosaur Bus Hero)
I may now be a lone little disabled red male Squidosaur hero that's hated by evil and still likes huge and giant girls for their big bare feet, But I'm a dyfederant that happens to be an All-Time Busfanner, whoever wants to watch my bus videos, please leave likes, and subscribe to my channel, but you can also comment whatever you wanna say.

I record all types of buses including school buses.

YouTube Rules:
YTR1- No bad, mean, offensive, sexually offensive, disrespectful, rude, or evil comments.

YTR2- No unsubscribing.

YTR3- No disrespect, no cursing, and no offense. And also, no doing anything you'll regret.

YTR4- No Trash-Talking, or Disrespecting.

YTR5- No offending, disrespecting, being mean to, being rude to, or messing with, or talking trash to or about me or my videos
Channel Comments
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