Animation Break
Animation Break's Channel
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Animation Break
Hello there, I'm Animation Break! I post animations I make here for you to enjoy! I try to upload once a week but on average will probably upload around once or twice a month, it all depends on the project.

Some series I have on my channel are:
-HomeBound Heroes, which is a series where toys go on adventures in the real world! Mainly around my house.
-The Godzilla Stopmotion Collab, this is a multi-animator collab that I organize every year where we make stop motions of Godzilla, If you love Godzilla you'd definitely wanna watch it. Even if you don't go watch it!
-Challenges, this isn't really a series but I love to do challenges! I've animated my dog and done timed challenges!
-The Sonic Stopmotion Collab, this isn't on my channel but on other channels like SonicBlast Animations, LifelineTheHedgehog, and Gabe's Animations. This is like the Godzilla Collab but with sonic! (and it inspired the Godzilla Collab)

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