Hazco Fox Ch. [ VPlayers ]
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Halo, Namaku Hazco, seorang manusia yang bertransformasi menjadi Virtual Mobian berkat sebuah ring sakti.
Tidak perlu khawatir, Hazco gak bakalan berada di dunia virtual selamanya yaa. Berkat ring saktinya, Hazco masih bisa kembali lagi ke dunia asalnya sehingga ia masih bisa melakukan tugasnya disana.

Hello. My name is Hazco Fox, a human who transforms into a Virtual Mobian because of a magic ring.
Don't worry! Hazco is not fully live in his virtual world forever, thanks to his ring for giving him the privilege to continue his duty in his real world.


• General: #HazcoFox
• Live: #HazcoLive
• Gaming: #HazcoGaming
• Non-Gaming: #HazcoNonGaming
• Collab: #HazcoCollab
• Fanart: #HazcoArt
• Funny Images/Videos: #UnfunnyHazco

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