comatarmsFTW's Channel
comatarmsFTW has no videos available.
I make combat arms ,Alliance of Valiant Arms and Crossfire videos not on anything particular i will probably be on weapons and items
and expect a montage every know and then
my crossfire ign is freehat20 everyone else is a fake

This is my backup account if something happens to this one

My accomplishments:
1st place 2010 Xfire VCA's Crossfire Catergory - Awm Unbreakable

1st place Escapes Video Comp - The Cleansing

1st place Subagames Film Festival 2010 - "Are you a Subagamer?"

1st place 2011 Crossfire Flim Awards Best Overall Film (Replay Category) - Legends 2

50th subscriber on March 16
100th subscriber on May 4
150th subscriber on July 20 hmm umm lol.
300th subscriber on January 16
500th subscriber on April 7
1000th subscriber on August 10
2000th subscriber on December 4th :)
Q&A Some answers to the questions I get asked a lot, I look at all the questions that people message me but sometimes I don't feel like answering if I've answered the same question many times before

Q: What do you use to record ingame?
A: Fraps

Q: What do you use to edit?
A: Sony Vegas 7

Q: Can I 1v1 you?
A: I don't do 1v1's anymore because I really haven't played CF seriously for the longest time, and mostly play/get on for video editing purposes

Q: Can you edit a video for me?
A: Depends, on what you can give me in return and the type of video, because I barely have enough time to edit my own videos :/
However I'll be happy to include you in any future community montages I do, Just send me a really good clan war/scrim replay through xfire, Include the round,description, and player name in the replay name

Q: Sub for Sub?
A: Sorry I don't do that anymore, It was getting too hard to keep track of all the people who message me asking and seeing whether or not they were actually subbed to me

Q: Where are you from?
A: I am Mexican American and I live in California.

Cf Ign: Freehat20
Gamertag: Freehat20
Xfire: Freehat20
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