RGJ Trains
RGJ Trains's Channel
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RGJ Trains
Follow Rob and Grace's Journey about a 00 Gauge Model railway build from scratch to onward completion, We will literally be learning from scratch on how to do things, from layouts, buildings and sets, learning how to decorate fix and various other bits and bobs of model railway building.

Grace, my partner in crime is doing all the art stuff, @prescottportraits you can watch her doing her lives, from scenery to buildings, we love feedback in all forms from anyone, and we have learned so much from suggestions, and other great channels on here.

We are total novices at this, and the layout is totally fluid, any suggestions and tips are always welcome, so feel free to say if you know how to do something better, use a better material etc, please feel free to like, subscribe and hit the bell button for notifications, thank you so much from Rob & Grace

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