Amazing Animal Tricks
Amazing Animal Tricks's Channel
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Amazing Animal Tricks
Amazing Animal Tricks
This channel showcases a variety of amazing animal tricks and training videos. The illusion is that we're training our pets, but the reality is that they're teaching us. Animals are so much more intelligent than we give them credit for, and my goal is to share that through this channel. ❤

I'm currently owned by several guinea pigs, a pair of mini rex rabbits, a sassy lovebird, a border collie, and some pretty cool fish! You can meet all my talented and amazing furballs, plus find free training tutorials on

I love training all my pets, and I like to push the limits and try new things to see what's truly possible. Stay tuned for more unique and amazing videos of my awesome little group. Thanks for stopping by, and welcome to our awesome, crazy, furry family. :)
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