Middle Georgia Railfan
Middle Georgia Railfan's Channel
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Middle Georgia Railfan
Middle Georgia Railfan
Welcome to Middle Georgia Railfan (MGR) Video Productions. The Official Catcher of NS 24A.

Here you will find videos of trains filmed from numerous locations on the Norfolk Southern System in Georgia & some of the CSX Fitzgerald Subdivision. In addition, you will find videos of various public display events that I have participated in with the MGMRC through the years and some videos of my own model trains running as well. There are always more videos coming. Stayed tuned & thank you for taking time to check out the channel. As always, thanks for watching.

- Anun Amonchomchupong: Owner, Creator, & Editor of MGR Video Productions

For additional content, be sure to follow the Instagram page for the channel (Link Below).

*COPYRIGHT WARNING - All videos, pictures, & content on this channel is property of Middle Georgia Railfan (MGR) Video Productions and protected by federal copyright law. DO NOT use content from this channel without permission. All Rights Reserved.
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