Moj Moj
Moj Moj's Channel
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Moj Moj
So soft, so cute… so Moj!

Collect and play with your favorite squishy Moj Moj characters! Discover Rare and Ultra-Rare Moj Moj characters! Check out Moj Moj Itty, Min, and Crunch for the ultimate new ASMR collectable squishies!
The Original Moj Moj Series 😊 has 95+ characters to unwrap, collect, and trade in many different themes like the Adventure Seekers, Couch Potatoes, Day Dreamers, Happy Campers, Party Animals, and Sun Bathers!
The Original Moj Moj Sparkle Series 😊 has 95+ sparkly characters in different glitter-ific themes like Glitter Gang, Diamond Divas, Disco Party, Claw Clique, The Sparklettes, Bling Bling, and Star Gazers!
AND now you can display your Original Moj Moj collection in the Original Moj Moj Claw Machine with a real working claw!

#SoMoj #MojMoj #CollectMojMoj

Let's Be Friends!
Instagram: @officialmojmoj
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