Mr. Krispy Kreme
Mr. Krispy Kreme's Channel
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Mr. Krispy Kreme
Look, I'll break it to you... I have no idea what to put for this "Channel Description" I have no clue. What am I? Confucius once wrote "Speak the truth, do not yield to anger; give, if thou art asked for little; by these three steps thou wilt go near the gods" . BUT I DON'T KNOW THE TRUTH! "What is the truth?" I ask myself in the mirror waiting silently for an answer... But the answer never comes. I have to come up with my own answer but what do I say? When I was first asked to make a YouTube Channel description, I thought that it would be easy. I thought that I knew myself in a way that no one else could... but I was wrong. As I dwell deep into my psyche I realize one unbearable truth. I don't know what I am. I don't know any paragraph that I could write that would ever come close to something that explains it all. Humans are weird creatures, we think we know more than we do and this is another in a long line of instances at this doorstep. So there it all is, thank you and goodnight.
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