Rose Gamin queen CHL harmony defenders
Rose Gamin queen CHL harmony defenders's Channel
Rose Gamin queen CHL harmony defenders has no videos available.
Rose Gamin queen CHL harmony defenders
Rose Gamin queen CHL harmony defenders
Hey guys I make video of gacha also i have gacha club btw. name rose and George Dazzle is not a piggy his a siren and dazzling

Note: no Steal characters or get Copyright Strike
Note# 2 don't do anything illegal things to my channel

Ok here there rules listen.
Rule #1 Hateful comment and calling George is a piggy get deleted
rule #2 No copy the dazzlings
Rule #4 no haters

Rule #5 (New rule) if u dare take my character u get 3 strike you are banned

Rule #6 if you dare keep it you are banned FOREVER
Rule #7 No drama allowed

rule #8 Taking My characters Without my permission against the rules

Rule #9 never say dead Only say banish
Thanks for See my rules.

Rule #10 very warning! | Dare disobey the rules BANNED FOREVER.

I like any games and show if I'm fan of them to make fandoms

Chl are called Canterlot and hyrules and vannalemons

Lets try hit to 6k Subscriber if we can hit it now!
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