Peter Crowley's Fantasy Dream
Peter Crowley's Fantasy Dream's Channel
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Peter Crowley's Fantasy Dream
Peter Crowley's Fantasy Dream
100% no IA ! Leave the art to humans.

My name is Peter Crowley, I'm a French independent composer of fantasy and adventure music, covering a huge range of style as
- Epic/Fantasy/Heroic Music
- Film/Soundtrack/Trailer music
- Celtic Music
- Symphonic/Power Metal

etc ...

USING MY MUSIC ? MUSIC COMMISSIONS ? LIBRARIES/SOFTWARES I USE ? Go to my business website to find answer and contact me for business stuff :
Business website :

Using my music on Youtube ?

If you want to use my music for your youtube video, you can BUT you'll receive a claim from "CD Baby" saying the music belongs to me.
IT'S NOT A STRIKE ! your video won't be taken down nor have any restrictions. But you have to know that you may be unable to monetize your video containing my music because of the youtube copyrights laws.
That being said, you can use my music but you must be wary of that !
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