Hadrian's Channel
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Daily episodes @ 10 am ► 4 pm ET | No-nonsense Let's Play for thinking gamers.

The Long Dark, Stellaris, Civilization VI, Total War, Surviving Mars, Frostpunk, Crusader Kings, Dyson Sphere Program, & more!

A channel for games that ignite the imagination, inspire learning and thinking, and spin new and complex challenges every time you play. I feature a mix of historical strategy, city-level / civ-level/ world-level simulation, and map-conquest titles. You'll also see some science fiction, survival, and/or simulation content from titles new and old.

If you're excited about the channel or have enjoyed it in the past, the Legion would be thrilled to have you! Your viewership alone helps the channel in just about every way imaginable, but especially when you subscribe and follow along. Thank you for being here!

For more in-depth information, I recommend visiting http://hadrian.watch,or check out the social media links on the channel banner.
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