conferenceofthebirds's Channel
conferenceofthebirds has no videos available.
This channel features videos which are made whilst walking; what are sometimes called "walk 'n' talk" videos here on YouTube. There are playlists of some users who make use of this form, as well as some ramblings of my own.

"The long poem of walking manipulates spatial organizations, no matter how panoptic they may be: it is neither foreign to them (it can take place only within them) nor in conformity with them (it does not receive its identity from them). It creates shadows and ambiguities within them. It inserts its multitudinous references and citations into them (social models, cultural mores, personal factors). Within them it is itself the effect of successive encounters and occasions that constantly alter it and make it the other's blazon: in other words,it is like a peddler, carrying something surprising, transverse or attractive compared with the usual choice. These diverse aspects provide the basis of a rhetoric. They can even be said to define it." - Michel de Certeau
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