Barry Belcher
Barry Belcher's Channel
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Barry Belcher
Welcome to my YouTube Channel. I would like to invite you on a wildly imaginative creating journey of how-to projects that explain the creative process of the universe when using one's thoughts and feelings to create beliefs into physical form. Join me as I challenge myself in finding usual household or unused objects and incorporate them magically into one extraordinary trash to treasure design. My ultimate goal is to help you learn what materials to look for, expand your mind on the usual for the unusual and for you to create that stunning Masterpiece you already had in mind. Whether you want to Paint a mural worthy to walk into, a chandelier made from an old tea set, or the most unique holiday craft. Join me as I try to connect your creativity by believing in it! All you need is just a little brain paint! Enjoy the variety of interior design tutorials, holiday crafts and entertaining videos of my artwork.
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