Heítronix Animation
Heítronix Animation's Channel
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Heítronix Animation
Heítronix Animation
Hello to all the bronies and pegasisters community just like the Transformers community do the good of Heitronix Animation that is dedicated to creating PMV of different films as well as creating a proper cannon in the world of MLP FiM and EG with a dynamic of characters invented by mi El Mr Heitroniix Animation.
I am a lover of art and graphic design with animated themes (Caricatures) on this channel present MLP FiM Plots Presented little by little by the Heitronix Universe.
This Channel Present more than PVM From My Little Pony La Magia De La Amistad:

[HÉROCAM] in Action.
Explanation Of Chracters Created by me.
Elaboración De Dibujos.A Mano
Heytronix Animation Projects

It will be a great placer that some day could be part of your favorite channels around the world on You Tube.
Bienvenidos A Mi canal

"Creamos Nuestra Imaginación y nosotros la Floramos Con El Sueño Y Esfuerzo"
Mr Heitronix Animation

ATTE: Mr Heítronix Animation.
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