вєч fusíσn studíσ
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вєч fusíσn studíσ
вєч fusíσn studíσ
♡Bey Fusion Studio♡
Welcome,We prefer all types of edits but raw, candy style editing mostly. Find here some of the amazing meps of Beyblade and anime meps!
~How to join?
•When the audition video comes you can check it and fill and submit the form.
~How to connect with us after you get accepted?
•As every other studio we would mainly use discord but if you don't have it we would request you to have one discord or Instagram account.
☆How often you post meps?
•Every 4-5 weeks probably it takes time
~Do you guys need backup members?
•Yes ,we do .If you want to apply for that position please contact with us
~What's the work of backup member?
•In our studio , everyone wouldn't possibly be able to make parts every time so we need a backup member who will do it for them and they will get credit for it too,so the amv creators who are usually very busy and can't create parts In every Mep can apply for this position .
♡Thanks For Reading♡
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