Master Thief Games
Master Thief Games's Channel
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Master Thief Games
Hail Swabbies! Come and join my weary crew.

I'm Cappy and I love retro video games! I love to collect them, play them, brush them, walk them, and.... wait I think I'm getting things I love mixed up.....

Primarily this channel is all about good ol' retro games. I'll be playing some of my favorites and helping you guys start building your own retro collection. ALL GAMES I PLAY ON THIS CHANNEL ARE REAL PHYSICAL GAMES. There are no emulations here. If I don't own it I won't play it. I'm a purist that way (READ: I'm a snob)

I will be playing the occasional recent game but that will primarily be on my twitch stream. I'll upload those videos at the beginning of each week. As well I'll be cycling a Man Code and Book review segment through the week.

Schedule is as follows:

Retro LP series: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
Twitch Stream: Saturday mornings
Man Code/Book reviews: Every other Tuesday

No Rest For The Wicked
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