AnNe LaNdOn
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AnNe LaNdOn
BeWaRe! "They ArE nOt JuSt DrEaMs. NoT AnYmOrE. CaN't YoU sEe? I DrEaM MoRe ThAn I'M AwAkE NoW & At TiMeS I HaVe cRoSsEd oVeR. CaN'T YoU SeE? I'Ve bEeN ThErE!"(M.H) ThIs Is mY liFe's WoRk - ItHaKa"(C.P.C) - To MaKe mY hEaRt BeAt, To InSpiRe & LiFt My SoUl & To fEeD My Mind. To ChAlLaNgE mE & CoMfOrT Me. MaKiNg MuSiC iS mY mAGiC TrIp ARoUnD ThE MoOn;) MaY mY mUsIc TrAvEl ThRU SpAcE & TiMe! LiFe IS a BaTtLe BeTwEeN LiFe & DeATh & BeTwEeN LiGht & dArKnEsS, bOth InSiDe & OuTsIdE oF oUrSeLveS..."HoW WiLl I EvEr GeT OuT Of tHiS LaByRiNtH?"(G.g.M)-Be bRaVe & KeEp mOvInG FoRwArD. JuSt PlAcE ONe fOoT, In FrOnT Of, tHe OtHeR - LoSe YoUrSeLf iN tHe MuSiC oF ThE MoMeNt, BeCaUsE YoU OwN IT, & sO ThE WorLD SpInS MadLy On & oN FoReVeR, eChOiNg OuR vOiCeS, OuR ThOuGhTs, OuR HoPeS & OuR DrEaMs, FoR ThE FuTuRe & FoR SLeEpLeSs HeArTs & SoUlS LiKe OuR's. We'rE aLl OuT HeRe, JuSt LOoKinG, FoR MoMeNtS & FrAgMeNtS Of TrUtH."aNd NoW wE riSe & We ArE EvErYwHeRE"(NiCk DrAkE) AnNe

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