Midnight's Edge After Dark
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Midnight's Edge After Dark
Midnight's Edge After Dark
Welcome to Midnight’s Edge After Dark, your home for Spin-free news and analysis of movies, reviews, behind the scenes politics, interviews, round-tables and more. Midnight’s Edge After Dark is a sister station to Midnight’s Edge, and is devoted to the fans, and future film-makers. We strive to bring you the most in-depth news and analysis your favorite current genre movies, and up-coming releases, and while looking back on past history where things went wrong and what went right, and hope that the mistakes of the past help us all learn going forward. Established as a channel devoted to television and film, Midnight’s edge After Dark continues to explore the worlds across different media, and bring it all to you in one place. Along with our main channel, Midnight’s Edge, we strive to bring you every angle, and search for the true story behind Hollywood’s corporate politics.
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