Hey there! I'm Voyboy and I am a former professional LCS and competitive League of Legends all star. I played on team Dignitas, Counter Logic Gaming, and Curse (Team Liquid) as a top / mid laner at the highest level. I was widely considered the best top laner in the world for years and finished / held RANK 1 in NA multiple times and have hit Challenger every season! I competed for over 5 years all over the world and now I am a full time Streamer / Youtube Content creator. You can watch me stream nearly everyday on my channel at .
Now I run the Technical Institute of Technology where I teach future generations of League players how to play the game while handing out those daily IQ points to all my students. Genius Gang Gang !
Now I run the Technical Institute of Technology where I teach future generations of League players how to play the game while handing out those daily IQ points to all my students. Genius Gang Gang !
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