LapisDemon's Channel
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Welcome human, I am Meri, Synaesthesia-Aspie combining Science & Art in audio-visual experiments.
Detecting additional layers to what is considered "Reality", my content can seem different or strange, at times controversial.

My aim is to motivate, offer a chill haven to wind down, have your mind wander, help find what you really want.

Creating Music, atmospherical sounds, videos for them, shall support this aim.

Is "Reality" what you think it is? In #MeriTales #SoulStrip (Sur)RealTalk you see Life through my eyes.
#ChillMind #PwD entail basic Life philosophy, often intertwined with Neurosciences, focus on psycho(socio)logy.
Those open to contemplate about what they see & hear shall be encouraged to get self-aware, perceptive, ultimately love and live life happier, which in turn makes others' life better, too.

Games: I use games to inspire, as community service, and to æquilibrate certain topics.

Other content serves specific purposes, e.g. to make aware of something.

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