I BATTLE FOR FUN!! I am a competitive wifi battler But fun is what i seek and i love to narrate Pokemon Battles. Come at me Subs
Hey there guys, U probably stumbled across my channel by pure coincidence or you probably had someone recommend you to me (Most likely came across my channel by coincidence) but i am a 18 year old Br0 who likes to play games and work out. I'm Currently into pokemon the most hence the channel about Pokemon wifi battling but that doesn't mean i dont like other games. I like minecraft, CoD, RPG games, Megaman, Heck you name it! But this is a channel to entertain and have fun. I narrate to entertain and interact with my subscribers. I'm not the best battler in the world but if you wanna battle i'd be glad to accept your challenge. Currently I am a Future soldier in the US Army, Going on Infantry and i will be out for like 4 months but ill be back by jan of next year of December of this year if im lucky lol
Hey there guys, U probably stumbled across my channel by pure coincidence or you probably had someone recommend you to me (Most likely came across my channel by coincidence) but i am a 18 year old Br0 who likes to play games and work out. I'm Currently into pokemon the most hence the channel about Pokemon wifi battling but that doesn't mean i dont like other games. I like minecraft, CoD, RPG games, Megaman, Heck you name it! But this is a channel to entertain and have fun. I narrate to entertain and interact with my subscribers. I'm not the best battler in the world but if you wanna battle i'd be glad to accept your challenge. Currently I am a Future soldier in the US Army, Going on Infantry and i will be out for like 4 months but ill be back by jan of next year of December of this year if im lucky lol