4ldax's Channel
4ldax has no videos available.
- Have you ever thought about the fusion of Fernanfloo, Stivenelvro, OTALKER, Desc Loq, Mister Jägger, MeLu, Hola Soy Germán, Ricky Tafolla, Haroo, Harley, MaRcDoGy, Zorman, NonsenseHumor, GodOfCoffee, Loco Damián and DMONR2? Well, not me, here I only dedicate myself to being a playboy who charges cheap.

- In this channel only abounds the lack of gray matter, audiovisual AIDS (yes, seriously) and above all, the eternally reproductive desire between individuals, regardless of their ethnicity, beliefs, tastes or sex (how rich).

- Discord: 4ldax#2181
(Tell me ''I'm going to make love to you'' so I know you're coming from around here)
Note: It may take a while for me to reply, so an apology in advance.

- The banner design tries to replicate the style of Spaze, an electronic music artist (you can find him here on YouTube).
Note: Some of the characters used in the banner are NOT my own, all credits for them go to their respective authors.

- ≣⃒ ᛚ ᛚ ᛞ ᚨ ᚲ ᛊ (4ldax)
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