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Please be patient with me and the channel as I am going though some growing pains with getting back into the grove of things here. I have all kinds of new equipment with more coming. I am in a constant state of rearranging and moving things as I receive new items. I'm still also figuring out OBS, Vegas, and other various software again as its been many years since I've done all this. The channel will grow and evolve as I find a nice grove and schedule to make and stream videos so please excuse the randomized times of uploads and errors as I most certainly will make many of them. I will be asking for help on settings and what people like and don't like as well as possible things to add or take away. As we grow and improve I plan to focus more funding on channel improvements. Thank you for taking the time to read and show interest in my work.
Please be patient with me and the channel as I am going though some growing pains with getting back into the grove of things here. I have all kinds of new equipment with more coming. I am in a constant state of rearranging and moving things as I receive new items. I'm still also figuring out OBS, Vegas, and other various software again as its been many years since I've done all this. The channel will grow and evolve as I find a nice grove and schedule to make and stream videos so please excuse the randomized times of uploads and errors as I most certainly will make many of them. I will be asking for help on settings and what people like and don't like as well as possible things to add or take away. As we grow and improve I plan to focus more funding on channel improvements. Thank you for taking the time to read and show interest in my work.
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