Samuel Pedro
I love reading. I read a lot growing up but didn’t read as frequently while I was in college. In 2018, I decided to make reading an integral part of who I am. I set a goal to read 100 books in 2018 – I ended up reading 104. Each year, I continue to set ambitious reading goals. In 2020, I'm shooting for reading 185 books.
With all this reading, I worried that I was not thinking about what I read deeply enough. Reading two books a week provides a constant stream of thoughts and new ideas. I hope to share what I'm learning on this channel. Also, I will talk about the books I love and give recommendations.
Hopefully, I can also help others find an interesting book to read or to learn something worthwhile.
With all this reading, I worried that I was not thinking about what I read deeply enough. Reading two books a week provides a constant stream of thoughts and new ideas. I hope to share what I'm learning on this channel. Also, I will talk about the books I love and give recommendations.
Hopefully, I can also help others find an interesting book to read or to learn something worthwhile.
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