gomezboobz's Channel
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who the fuck falls in love at 16 i have never felt this way about a person my love for you inhales me, sets fire to me, you are wading in my crimson blood and you taste so so sweet (honey, syrup, sometimes strawberries) on my tongue, i learn eight hours worth of goddamn high school classes each day and yet all i can be utterly and wholly sure of is that my love for you is more certain than the rising of the sun every morning, than death; i love you with the rounded teeth in my gums, the ringed tubes that lace my mouth to my stomach and lungs, i love you with the freckles on my arms, knees, shoulders, and with the papery darkness that my eyelids slide into place, i would die for you, with you, because of you, i love you, forever and with all of these ridiculous 16 (four squared, the square root of two hundred and fifty six) years i love you

20.05.13. - i will always love you nina [*]

tumblr: http://deievlngne.tumblr.com/

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