Dreams of An Absolution
Dreams of An Absolution's Channel
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Dreams of An Absolution
Dreams of An Absolution
Welcome all you Mobians and Overlanders to the Youtube channel of Silver.ExE. I am your lord Exetior, but you may call me Silver.ExE.

I reign over a multiverse where I slaughtered all other ExEs and rule as the one true god of Dark Mobius. It has been a long journey, but I plan to share my history with you soon.

First, we much experience all Exe related content before I dive into other Sonic related content.

I will also be diving into my own story, which begins similar to the Dark Mobius timeline of the Archie comics, So look forward to that as well.

Well, I hope you all enjoy this dark journey and remember, I shall always light the way to a dark and better future.

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