Paws On Animation
Paws On Animation's Channel
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Paws On Animation
Hosted by Rascal and Mama Entertainments, this channel has near endless content of reviews as we share our love of cartoons from many years of watching animation.

Big screen, small screen, underrated, overrated, or love to hate, everything gets a spotlight right here! Every Saturday at midnight watch brand new podcasts covering a different movie, show or anime each time. We got ya covered for Manga, Netflix Prime Video, Crunchyroll and even YouTube features! With a dash of hilarious scenes on the side! 🀣

Grab your popcorn and get ready to "toon" in to Paws On Animation! 🍿🎬πŸŽ₯πŸ—£οΈ

Banner art done by Rascal and Mama Entertainments!

PFP created by @AndrewFlores!
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