One Million Power
One Million Power's Channel
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One Million Power
One Million Power is a channel dedicated to exploring Japanese video game and music history.

Currently, my focus is on Scrolling Down the Belt, a series that delves into beat 'em ups, brawlers, and belt-scrolling action games, in mostly chronological order. But I have plans for a wide range of series, including deep dives into anime-licensed games, shmups, fighting games, and comprehensive strategies for one-credit/no continue clearing titles across various genres. I also do reviews and lyrical analysis of new and important J-Pop/J-Rock albums!

If you'd like to support the creation of these videos, please consider supporting One Million Power on Patreon ( Thanks very much for watching!

My book Gameplay Harmonies: Japanese Recording Artists and the Video Games About Them is also on sale at Limited Run:
and Amazon:

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