FOB Equestria
FOB Equestria's Channel
FOB Equestria has no videos available.
FOB Equestria
The official channel of the home of the Military Bronies: Forward Operating Base (FOB) Equestria. Any videos made by the staff for the site, such as our podcasts and interviews, will be uploaded here.

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BE ADVISED: You're free to express your opinion as long as you do so in a reasonable manner. If you don't like bronies and explain so in a calm and mature manner, that is fine. However, we have no tolerance for hate spamming and will respond accordingly via channel ban. It's a free country, but it's our YouTube channel, and while you're entitled to your hate-mongering opinions, we don't have to entertain them nor provide you with a means to spread them.

TL;DR - Suck our banhammer, haters.
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